"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
This is a very important news! The Organizer of the Europe Africa Concertation Meeting told me today, that all African Research Institutions are eligible for funding in projects of the 7th framewwork. My information up to now was, that only SouthAfrican Institutions would be eligible. This should be wrong. South African Institutions have another advantage. They will get specific funding also from their government if they participate in 7th framework projects.
If this verifies it is revolutionary and will change our approach to the 7th framework program.
---The article states furtheron that a majority of students was supporting Ahmadinejad, but the good event is that minoriy was speaking up. A tyranny does not get out much a justification because it has popular mandaate----- (kl)
Das Mehl in eine Schüssel geben. In die Mitte eine Mulde drücken und die zerbröckelte. Hefe darin mit vier Esslöffeln lauwarmer Miclh, zwei Teelöffeln Zucker und etwas Mehl vom Rand
Diesen Vorteig zugedeckt bei Zimmertemperatur 15 Minuten ruhen lassen, bis er sichtbar aufgegangen ist.
Leonards thesis is that the European Union is one of the big success stories in modern history. He points out how many of the thaught weaknesses of the European Union are strengths in reality.
I disagree mostly with Benedetto XVI. But I agree with his position regarding Turkey and the EU. Turkey must become a member. I appreciate his position particularly looking back to the speech he gave some tome ago in Regensburg regarding Islam. It was most inappropriate for the pope of the catholic church to say these harsh words about another religion, but nevertheless they were not wrong, and nevertheless Turkey must join the EU!
Friends:n 2 and 3 November, an international workshop on open access was held at the IISc faculty hall. It was jointly organised by the Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian Institute of Science and the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation with support from the Open Society Institute. There were 16 overseas experts and a dozen from India.
600 g di tonno
1 vasetto di Joghurt
100 cl di panna
5 carote
5 zucchine
100g di verza
pepe in grani
Tagliare le verdure a juliennee saltarle in padella con olio e aglio. Filettare il tonno e arrostirlo a fiamma viva su tutti e quattro il lati. A parte ridurre la panna e quando è fredda incorporare lo yogurt e succo di limone, a cottura ultimata del tonno panare il filetto nei pepi trattati, servire i filetti scaloppati con le verdure e la salsa allo yogurt.
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The following publications, written by my group have been published on the Document Repository as part of "Agricultural Information
and Knowledge Management Papers" Series.