
Collaboration with IIT Kanpur

IIT Kanpur has a project of a Personal Knowledge Manager. A kind of Knowledge Napster, that will make it possible to exchange information between all users of the PKM. Has to be programmed from scratch to give meat for the students.

The will send us a Project note and I promised a problem statement, set of users and set of requirements

AGRIS - South to South

A new AGRIS initiative will be AGRIS South to South exchange with Country portals for India and China directed mainly to Africa


We have to exploit the reestablishing of the Chinese AGRIS centre. We must do now the

CHina Portal (Agricultural Knowledge from China for the World) - should this be a series

of Portals Title AGRIS South-South. We have now the Chinese references and we should

organize them in a easy to use way. We could also go for ads from Chinese AGRO TechnoFirms


S.88 pp ....This, however, is an example of the mental peculiarity of human beings, from which spring both their vices and their intelligence, namely the power of imagination to break up habits and initiate new lines of conduct. ... In general, marriage is easiest where people are least differentiated. When a man differs litle from other men, and a woman differs little form others women, there is no particular reason to regret not having married someone else.....

Ibiza 2006

This was a marvellous holidays. 1 week with Matilde, Sylke, Vincent, Christiane and Lennart. Before I was some days with my Gerhard Stamer, Ingrid and their daughter Joanna, friends! CIMG0751

Demand the nearly impossible

But when politicians look only one or two weeks ahead, we, the citizens, should compel them to look one or two years ahead. When they raise their sights to one or two years, we should insist on ten or twenty. We should not demand the impossible of them; just the nearly impossible. Demand it of them and of ourselves. For we are the thousand million, that never have spoken yet.
