Professional events 2006

Tour of the GAAS Information Institute

Permalink Dinner with President Luo

Sunday night we had the official banquet with President Luo of GAAS, who is also vice secretary of the party committee of Guangdong. Dr. Luo emphasized that the province of Guangdong was among the first in 1998 to bring internet services into rural areas. Bridging the rural digital divide would be one of their main goals and he wishes collaboration whit FAO on this

Meeting with the AGRIS group at CAAS

CGIAR and FAO Working together in Knowledge Sharing

It is only through the transfer and exchange of knowledge , both explicit and tacit, that research organizations can really have an impact on the global issues that are facing mankind in the third millennium. Towards this end, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) have joined forces, working collaboratively on several projects.

Kenya 2006-05

In May 2006 I participated in the founding conference of the IAALD Africa chapter in Nairobi. Together with Hugo Besemer I organized during the conference a meeting of the Agris Content Management Taskforce. I also visited KARI (Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute)

China, Guangzhou Province, May 2006

On invitation of the Guandong Acadamy of Agricultural Science, I visited in May 2006 the Academy in Guangzhou and various institutions in Guangdong Province. I took the oppportunity also for a backstopping mission to Beijing regarding the AGROVOC mapping project.

The presentations held in Beijing and Guangzhou are attached.

Visit to Department of Agriculture, City of GaoYao

Gaoyao Forestry lesser developed part of Guang Dong Province. Meeting with Information Center that has its own TV channel. DoA land is 550.000 acres . forest covering rate is 57%. Products are good quality rice, vegetables and aquaculture, 130 acres aquacultures. They producing also herbs. there are 500.000 farmers out of a population of 730.000. Producing rice and vegetables for the whole province. Cable tv in 99% of the villages. Some villages only of administrative level. Telephone covering rate 45%. 150.000 telephones. All towns are connected by optical fiber to the city.


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