"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
Over one billion people live in chronic hunger... Every six seconds, a child dies of hunger...
By signing a new on-line petition to eradicate world hunger at https://www.1billionhungry.org/, you can actively lend your voice to a growing global movement, and send a powerful message to world leaders: that it is unacceptable that one billion people live in chronic hunger, and changing this reality should be our top priority.
I am just back from dinner. I am literally alone on the ILRI campus here in Nairobi. I went to the Bar to have dinner. I was the only one to be present. As compensation I had a very interesting chat with the waiter, a young Kenyan student. He is studying Turism at Kenyatta University and he is just about to get his degree. He is financing his survival by working as a waiter at ILRI, but this would not be enough to pay also the University fees, which are 20,000 KSH/year (this is about 260 USD, but he mentioned 1000 USD) Whatsoever!
The description of the Dharavi slum in the Economist reminded me the Book Shantaram from which I learned the first time that these big slums are not these places of pure despair but human communities of a tremendous complexicity.
And I like Marxists of the type of Mr. Korde!!!!!
The last issue of the Economist tackles some of the "holy cows" of the ecologist movement: Organic Food, Fair Trade and Local Production. I am recommending to read this :-)