"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
2 days in Beijing now. Food is as good as last time, traffic as bad. The workshop with ISTIC was amazingly good, many enthusiastic graduate and post graduate students who participated in the discussion. I am excited for Berlin8 next week.
I visited today the Olympic village and the new center of CCTV, then later Opera in the new Beijing Opera house. Woww, finally great ideas and great architecture. Neverthelesse I must admit, I like most Guangzhou, Shanghai is too chic, and Beijing is too capital, but anyway.
The following Citation is from China Daily of today: "The State Council has approved 2 trillion yuan ($292 billion) for the construction of a series of railway projects, to help boost economic growth amid the worldwide financial crisis. Increasing investment in fixed assets has remained a catalyst of China's economic development. By 2010, the total length of China's railway will reach 90,000 km, according to the Ministry of Railways. A number of major railway projects will be started soon, www.ce.cn - the country's leading economic news portal - quoted Wang Yongping, spokesman for the Ministry of Railways, as saying on Friday. About 1.2 trillion yuan has already been allocated, he said. Zheng Xinli, a senior government policy advisor, said: "In 1997, we dealt with the Asian financial crisis by stimulating domestic economic growth by investing in the construction of highways. This time the money will go on improving the rail network." The National Development and Reform Commission is developing plans to improve the country's railway systems, he said. (China Daily October 25, 2008)"
On my trip from Bangalore to Mysore we went to see an ancient temple and passed through rural areas of Kanataka:
The country has more than 7% GDP growth. The state of Karnataka will be far above 10 % as as is the state Andra Pradesh, but most parts of rural areas are like this picture.
And this is the challenge
The description of the Dharavi slum in the Economist reminded me the Book Shantaram from which I learned the first time that these big slums are not these places of pure despair but human communities of a tremendous complexicity.
And I like Marxists of the type of Mr. Korde!!!!!
"As venture capitalist John Doerr once remarked to me 'You talk to the leadership in China and they are all engineers, and they get what is going on immediately. The Americans don't, because they are all lawyers'. Added Bill Gates: ' The Chinese have risk taking down, hard work down, education, and when you meet with Chinese politicians, they are all scientists and engineers. You can have a numeric discussion with them - --"
this is interesting and worrying. Left Wing extremism is alive and not globally declining. It is clear the ideology and phraseology is appalling. But poor people is following. No strategy for freedom and progresse" can be successful without addressing this