"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
Germany is working to create its Research data Infrastructure. Monies will be available at the end of the year and consortia can present their projects.
The eROSA project (e-Infrastructure Roadmap for open science in agriculture and food - https://erosa.aginfra.eu/front) has been successfully completed. The Roadmap forsight paper has been submitted to the EU and has been published at https://zenodo.org/record/1314186#.W6J4begzYwG.The final evaluation meeting was hold on September 13.
On my recent trip to China I had the chance to present the outcomes of the eROSA project to my friends of the Agricultural Information Institute at CAAS. The CAAS people are very much interested in the follow up and want to be an active partner of the agINFRA community.
In November 2017 I presented the eROSA project at the EOSC stakeholder workshop in Brussels. I gave a presentation about the Infrastructure needs of the Agri-Food community
July 2015: I represented the GODAN initiative at the meeting of the European Federation of Information Technology in Agriculture. Parallel to the EFITA conference the first stakeholder workshop of the eROSA project took place, where I gave a presentation on different views on Infrastructure.