"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
In Italy there is no evidence that the facilitation of time limited employment actually gives growth to "precariato", it seems more that it simply opens the way to employment. See article of Pietro Ichino in Corriere della sera
Whether from a Confucian, a Legalist, or even a Daoist perspective, law was viewed as an expedient, not as something noble or inviolable, or something that exists above and beyond the ruler
Particularly important is the unchalleged conviction that the family is both, natural and good. Unlike Greece, for instance, where the private realm of the family was not given the positive evaluation of the public realm of the polis in China devotion to family was taken as an obvious good. Laozi's utopia is not one that liberates the individuals from the family; but one that lets families operate with little or no pressure from soical or political units much larger than the viallage.
Sicher mehrere - und auch viele Facetten, und Unterschiede zwischen Europa und America. Die folgenden Ausfuehrungen sind sicher persoenlich gepraegt, aber nicht nur!
Frome the Economist: "Paul Saffo, a futurologist and one of the world's most enthusiastic technophiles, also looks at the downside. “Each of us can create our own personal-media walled garden that surrounds us with comforting, confirming information and utterly shuts out anything that conflicts with our world view,” he says. “This is social dynamite” and could lead to “the erosion of the intellectual commons holding society together...We risk huddling into tribes defined by shared prejudices.”"
Most of the tacit knowledge spitten out in Blogs and so On is OPINION!.
Hardly a day now passes without a new proposal to address the cultural and social problem of integrating migrants. On the left, people want to get rid of the Hauptschule, the bottom layer of a widespread selective secondary school system. On the right, there have been calls to punish youths whose behaviour shows they are not willing to integrate—by expelling them from school or even sending them to a “taster jail”. Chancellor Angela Merkel will soon convene an “integration summit” to air these and other ideas.
"For these LiveJournal blogs, the average number of readers is seven, says Ms Trott. Such small audiences are common in participatory media. Indeed, they may conform to the biological norm, whereas mass-media audiences may have been an aberration. Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist at the University of Liverpool, has studied primates and discovered a surprisingly stable ratio between the relative size of the neocortex (thought to be responsible for the evolution of intelligence) and the size of groups formed by particular species.