"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
Nur Negativitaet is geblieben bei der oppositionellen Linken, waehrend die Linke an der Regierung nur pragmatisch werkelt. Es gibt keine Ideen. Hauptissue ist, dass keine Idee des Fortschrittes mehr vorhanden ist, keine Ueberzeugung dass wir Menschen die Moeglichkeite haben, die Welt zu verbessern,, und dass wir sie auch verbessert haben. Fortschritt existiert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Es ware herauszuarbeiten, dass alle die die die Vergangen heit beweinen Unrecht haben. Auch Dinge wie Essen und Kultur sind heute viel weiter entwickelt als in der Vergangenheit.
Es ist noetig die Moderne gegen diejenigen zu verteidigen, die glauben, die Moderne sei durch die 68er Bewegung angegriffen worden. Die 68er Bewegung war swiespaeltig und hatte insich schon auch die Negation der Moderne ("Angst vor der Freiheit") aber in Ihrem Ursprung war sie darauf gerichtet den Freiheitsanspruch der Moderne zu verwirklichen. Den Freiheitsanspruch!!!
An important activity in 2004 is the Organization of AGRIS/IMARK capacity building workshops. In
January a workshop was organized in Hyderabad (India) for Participants from South Asia, in late
March in Accra (Ghana) and in May in Nairobi (Kenya
The central AGRIS database had been produced in Vienna during the 90s by a group for more than 15 persons, who processed the incoming data before adding them to the database.
After the decision of taking away emphasis from data processing to capacity building, the AGRIS production was transferred to Rome. Part of the money saved by this operation was used to create positions in the field to support the capacity building fucntions. The challenge was, to go on with the production of the AGRIS database in Rome with incomparable less resources.
I August 2000 I was hired by the FAO and became an employee of the United Nations System.
I was assigned the responsibility of the "AGRIS/CARIS and Documentation Group". This was the begin of an adventure, which is furtheron documented in this Blog.
From 1996 to 1999 I worked for the PIC secretariat (now Rotterdam Convention). I authored and edited various Decision Guidance Documents about Toxicity and Exotoxicity of Organophosphorous pesticides.