"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
On the 6th and 7th November the first AGRIS workshop on Open Access in Agricultural Science and Technology took place. The workshop was organized by a group of engaged Indian Agricultural Information Specialists and coordianted by Dr. Jai Haravu. The workshop was sponsored by ICRISAT and FAO.
possible pilots for the first AGRIS open Archives in India:
Kerala Research Institute on tropical plantages
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
I had a meeting this morning at the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, in which participated the Undersecretary Stefano Boco, Paolo Dini from the London School of Economics, Francesco Nachira Section Head (Digital Ecosystems) from the European Commission and representatives di T6, an Italian non for profit private company,
A nation, it has been said, is a group of people united by a common dislike of their neighbours and a shared misunderstanding of their own past... (p.73)
The Egyptian NARIMSteam succeeded today to import more than 38.000 records into they system. These 38.000 records contain information about Egyptian Agricultural publications and they were available for decades only through AGRIS. This is a major success in using the AGRIS systems for national capacity building!
Russells liberal opinions, expressed in this book are surely sometimes based on some wrong antropological assumptions. The book is also surely gender biased (male!!). But still an interesting read - and I agree mostly with him. First published in 1929 - ISBN 0-415-07917-9
S.88 pp ....This, however, is an example of the mental peculiarity of human beings, from which spring both their vices and their intelligence, namely the power of imagination to break up habits and initiate new lines of conduct. ... In general, marriage is easiest where people are least differentiated. When a man differs litle from other men, and a woman differs little form others women, there is no particular reason to regret not having married someone else.....