
New Article in Semantic Universe

Semantic Universe asked the FAO Country Profiles team to write an article about geopolitical ontology and FAO Country Profiles. Now, the article is published into their webiste. In addition, in 2009 Semantic Technology Conference , one of top conferences in the semantic technology, we will introduce our work about geopolitical ontology and FAO Country Profiles to the public.

Global Research Library 2020

I am part of a working group with the title "Global Research Library 2020". Goal of this group is to discuss and to shape the Research Library of the future ( Next meeting of this working group is in February in Taiwan. I attach the position paper, which I submitted for this workshop.
This position paper was also presented at the Rome ShareFair . I posted about this sharefair at

Isabelle Stengers: Spekulativer Konstruktivismus

Merve Verlag: ISBN 978-3-88396-246-7

Aus dem Vorwort von Bruno Latour:

"Sicher koennten unsere Gesellschaft und Sprache, unser Verstand und Gehirn die Ursache fuer ein Missverstaendis sein, aber der Hauptpartner, der nach den Quellen von Ungewissheiten befragt werden muss, ist die Komplexitaet der Welt, die nicht draussen wartet und sich selbst nicht gleich bleibt."

Is this culturally relevant?

Following an article in the "Spiegel"  59% of all Spanish people believe in God in a traditional sense, 18% are not believers at all, whereas 74% of all Italians do believe in God in a tradional sense, whereas only 6 % are  not believers.  The numbers come from a survey conducted by the EC, 4 years ago.

What I liked: Barack Obama, in his inauguration speech mentioned non believers on the same level as Christians, Muslims, Jews and others.


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