"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
..at least in the United states of America. In continental Europe, and especially in Italy, we are used to changing governments, without a lot of changing politics. This is partly related to the fact that government changes only chance a small tip of the political burocracy. In Italy the same Director Generals in the ministries server und Prodi, Berlusconi....... so nothing changes.
No, no, I don't mean that literally. I am very much aware that the USA are not in a position to take up any other military action, not morally, not politically, not economically. I only hope that the new American president realizes that this world needs the intervention of the most powerful nation of the free world. No one intervened against the Rwandan genocide, Darfur is a shame for humanity!
Kant's Antwort lautete: Der Wissenschaft entspricht eine phaenomenale Ebene der Wirklichkeit, der Ethik eine andere,die noumenale Ebene. Die phaenomenale Ordnung wird vom Menschen geschaffen, die noumenale ist vom Menschen unabhaengig; sie entspricht einer geistigen Wirklichkeit, die seine Ethik, sein religioeses und moralisches Leben umfasst und naehrt. (S.93)
Man kann sogar sagen, dass es zwischen manchen Theologen, die durch eine totale Unterwerfung der Welt unter Gottes Willen dessen Almacht bestaetigt sehen wollen, und Physikern, die nach einer Welt maathematisierbarer Prozesse suchten, eine gewisse "Konvergenz der Interessen gegebenhat. Sowohl fuer diese Theologen als uach fuer diese Physiker war die von der modernen Wissenschaft zerstoerte natuerliche Welt des Aristoteles unannehmbar.
The following Citation is from China Daily of today: "The State Council has approved 2 trillion yuan ($292 billion) for the construction of a series of railway projects, to help boost economic growth amid the worldwide financial crisis. Increasing investment in fixed assets has remained a catalyst of China's economic development. By 2010, the total length of China's railway will reach 90,000 km, according to the Ministry of Railways. A number of major railway projects will be started soon, www.ce.cn - the country's leading economic news portal - quoted Wang Yongping, spokesman for the Ministry of Railways, as saying on Friday. About 1.2 trillion yuan has already been allocated, he said. Zheng Xinli, a senior government policy advisor, said: "In 1997, we dealt with the Asian financial crisis by stimulating domestic economic growth by investing in the construction of highways. This time the money will go on improving the rail network." The National Development and Reform Commission is developing plans to improve the country's railway systems, he said. (China Daily October 25, 2008)"