
Presentation at the Polytechnical University of Guangzhou

On invitation of Dr. Wang Zhong from the polytechnical University of Guangzhou I gave today a presentation with the title "The global knowledge society in the age of the Internet". More than 30 graduate and postgraduate students participates. A PDF Version of the presentation is attached. The .odp version is at

Impressions from Guangzhou

Hot, hot, hot

I never felt so hot. It is nearly 40 C with high umidity and it does not cool down in the night and the air condition in my (government owned) hotel has only two modes: Backoven=off and fridge=on, but tomorrow I will change hotel, thanks to lily.



Unloading Information Overload - or Not

Information Age -

the attached link will lead you to an article with a position what at the moment is fashionable: new information technologies distract us more than in the past from concentrated working and production of ideas and content. The main argument is that we are constantly looking to emails, messaging systems and similar. I would like to challenge this position with two arguments.

Viva Alvaro Uribe! Ingrid Betancourt for President!

Ingrid Betancourt has been freed by the Columbian military ( The liberation action took place without blood shed, purely by intelligence. The idiotic and idioscyncratic left wing drug dealers of the FARC were defeated by the application of human intelligence. Ingrid Betancourt is free! Could Uribe extend this intelligence to stop making war on drugs and starts making war on poverty_

Traveller tales

Tale 1 The weather in Rome is better than in London. Ok this is a joke, I was fortunate. In one week between London and Milton Keynes the weather was constantle better than in Rome, in the first week of May! Tale 2 London is more expensive than the continent. Yes, London is more expensive than Berlin, no doubt, but compared to Paris, Rome or Madrid? My Hilton in MK was 115 Pounds, and this was the high tarrif, because of the "wrong" days of the week, my colleague payed 78, try to get a similar quality Hotel in Rome for that tariff.


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