
Not only austerity!

"German policymakers who urge only austerity and wage restraint on the rest of Europe forget that the goal of growth is to raise personal incomes (and spending), and that the real benefit from higher exports is to pay for more imports. " This citation is - Modell Deutschland über alles

MUCH of the rich world is fascinated by Germany. Despite being at the heart of sclerotic Europe, its GDP per head has risen by more than any other G7 country’s over the past decade.

Piraten ja, aber Deutsche doch

Piraten ja, aber Deutsche doch - und der Einfluss von Jakob Burckhardts und seines gleichens ist einfach nicht auszumerzen: Sebastian Nerz macht sich lusting ueber Ansgar Heveling von der CDU und empfiehlt ihm einen Techniknachhilfeunterricht. Recht ha - Piraten ja, aber Deutsche doch - und der Einfluss von Jakob Burckhardts und seines gleichens ist einfach nicht auszumerzen: Sebastian Nerz macht sich lusting ueber Ansgar Heveling von der CDU und empfiehlt ihm einen Techniknachhilfeunterricht. Recht hat er!

La fuga di un imprenditore

E' deprimente. Ancora di più della lettera di un imprenditore che lascia il paese deprimono i tanti commenti a questa lettera dando ragione alla fuga. Perchè non nascono "i pirati" italiani? - “Io imprenditore sono costretto a lasciare l’Italia”

Carissimi, è giunto il momento di salutarvi. Vi comunico che lascerò l’Italia, la mia azienda e quindi anche il Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori, per iniziare una nuova avventura in ter

Open Infrastructures for Open Science



The Directorate F - Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures is organizing a series of consultations for the preparation of Horizon 2020, the new Framework Program for research funding.  I was invited to participate also in the Rome event about  "open Infrastructures for open science". I expressed my opinion that the importance of semantic standards and linked open data technologies should not be underestimated.

The picture at the left is from a presentation, which analyzed institutional readines for open data 


An interesting intiative is EUDA with the intent to create trusted data services between public and private partners.

THe same issues that we are discussin in agINFRA (structures, vocabularies, relations, persistent identifiers, protocols)  are addressed in the EUDAT system.

more screenshots at my FlickR Gallery. 




Is chicken breast edible?

 Admittedly I would have answered convincedly "NO", if you would have asked me that last week.  Most of the chicken breast I bought in the last years was for the cat.  She compared with commercial cat food and told me  that I was a Gourmet Chef, when I was serving her the boiled or microwaved disgust.

Demographic Development in Italy

ISTAT  has published the demographic Indicators for  2011. The Italian population.  The population in Italy has grown by  about 220,000, there are more than  60 million people living in Italy.  Behind these number is hidden that the "Italian"  population shrunk by 65,000.  Only because of the increase by "foreigners" of 290,000, the overall increase results.

I Verdi e i conservativi

 Die Gruenen haben mit den Konservativen eine klare gemeinsame Grundeinstellung: die Welt ist schlecht. Der Unterschied ist, dass die Konservativen, dass als eine vorsichtige Basiseinschaetzung sehen, waehrend die Gruenen die Welt schlecht sehen durch die Moderne.. wenn man ab Abgrund steht, ist jeder Schritt vorwaerts...  aber daraus resultiert durchaus aehnliche Politik.

Auch die Haltung des Buessers findet sich bei den Gruenen und denKonservativen.

Die linke repraesentiert dagegen den modernen Groessenwahn, des "alles ist machbar"




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