
Presentation of GODAN at UPM

UPM in Kuala Lumpur is the AGRIS center with which my team in FAO has a collobaration of more than a decade. keizer at UPM  So it was a special pleasure for me to come here to present GODAN. This was in the context of a meeting on "sharing of scientific information".  I was enthusiastic about the activities of the loca AGRIS center.



Democracy and Freedom

It is true for most countries, what the Economists retains nearly a Dogma: democracy and individual freedom go together. But this is not true for nearly half of the worlds population. The democratic India want to punish homosexuality with 14 years of jail; the Chinese autocracy is tolerant towards gays (actually the government campaigns for tolerance in the population.

Good Science from Europe! Has it been financed by an FP7 project? :-)

Good Science from Europe! Has it been financed by an FP7 project? :-) - World record: Scientists from northern Germany produce the lightest material in the world | e! Scien

A network of porous carbon tubes that is three-dimensionally interwoven at nano and micro level -- this is the lightest material in the world. It weights only 0.2 milligrams per cubic centimetre, and is therefore 75 times lighter than Styrofoam, but it is very strong nevertheless. Scientists of Kiel...

Il Pd non vuole i matrimoni fra omosessuali?

Il Pd non vuole i matrimoni fra omosessuali? Chi si meraviglia; cercano le nozze con Casini e si fanno dettare dai preti. Ma ci sarebbe una soluzioine alternativa: lasciamo il matrimonio come sacramento ai preti. Toglieremo il trattamento previlegiato - Il Pd non vuole i matrimoni fra omosessuali? Chi si meraviglia; cercano le nozze con Casini e si fanno dettare dai preti. Ma ci sarebbe una soluzioine alternativa: lasciamo il matrimonio come sacramento ai preti.


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