"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
In this document are comprehensive tables from 1960 to 2010! Very interesting numbers. The GDP/employed person in Italy is higher than in Germany, per worked hour, much lower!
An employed person in Italy in 2010 worked 383 hours/ year more than in Germany, this are 9 weeks more!!!!!!!
Avevo una discussione oggi sulla manovra Monti con una mia collega che sosteneva che la manovra porterebbe a nuovi grandi numeri di persone che dormono sulla strada e che devono andare alle mense pubbliche per mangiare,
I don't agree with those, who are crying against the measures that the Monti Government has decided to combate the budget deficit. I mostly agree with the big measures and also with the small ones.
Pension System: this is the main pont, where bancrutpcy was looming. Now finally:
Das sieht sooo gut aus: weg mit der Kirchensteuer, Legalisierung von Drogen, Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen als Denkmodell, Die Euroskeptiker wurden abserviert. Vielleicht haben wir doch die Chance auf eine wirklich liberale Partei in Deutschland? In der Zwischenzeit hoffe ich , dass die SPD Peer Steinbrueck zum Kanzlerkandidaten macht :-)
The first agINFRA project meeting has taken place in between 8-10 November in Rome, Italy and it was hosted by FAO in their premises.
“To develop an infrastructure for scientific agricultural data and to improve service deployment for data bytransferring scientific and technological results from the agricultural field into real outcomes. Moreover agINFRA is proposing to create a high interoperability between agricultural and other data resources”.
The AIMS team at FAO has a leading role in the agINFRA project representing main usercommunities and bringing the requirements of theses user communities into the project