"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
Questo e' incredibile. 70% dei ginecologi italiani sono "obiettori di coscienza", questa significa che si rifiutano ad eseguire aborti. E' un dato gravissimo. Significa, che la linea repressiva ed illiberale della chiesa della destra e' maggioritaria anche su un livello culturale.
Am 20. April nahm ich an einer denkwuerdigen Veranstaltung teil mit dem Titel "Osnabruecker Heimatabend", veranstaltet von Kalla Wefel, einem unserer Mitstreiter in der linken Schuelerbewegung Ende der 60er Jahre in Osnabrueck. Der Titel war "68 in Osnabrueck" oder so aehnlich - und das faszinierte mich natuerlich.
On my trip from Bangalore to Mysore we went to see an ancient temple and passed through rural areas of Kanataka:
The country has more than 7% GDP growth. The state of Karnataka will be far above 10 % as as is the state Andra Pradesh, but most parts of rural areas are like this picture.
And this is the challenge
I am finishing today my trip to India, which brought me to Kanpur (Indian Institute of Technology), Hyderabad (Verus, Kesevan Indstitute of Information and Knowledge Management, ICRISAT) and Bangalore (Indian Institute of Statistics, SMD Institute for Management Development). I gave keynotes at the AGROPEDIA workshop at IIT and at the New Gen Lib workshop at SMD-IMD, I gave two lectures to students and faculty at IITK.
My group is collaborating with ICRISAT and the Indian Institute of Technology in the AGROPEDIA Indica project. My colleague Margherita Sini and I were invited to participate in the "Rice Workshop" of the project. I gave a keynote in the opening session which is attached,
I am participating today in a meeting of the stakeholders in the Initiative for International Information Systems in Agricultural Science and Technology.
My friend Gerhard Stamer (Reflex- Verein fuer praktische Philosophie (https://www.stamer-reflex.de) is organizing a Symposion on Philosophy and Science. As he invited me to participate in this event I had to write a short CV and some lines. Here is the text
The description of the Dharavi slum in the Economist reminded me the Book Shantaram from which I learned the first time that these big slums are not these places of pure despair but human communities of a tremendous complexicity.
And I like Marxists of the type of Mr. Korde!!!!!
"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..."
Richard Feynman (Theoretical Physicist)
"To be clear-headed rather than confused; lucid rather than obscure; rational rather than otherwise; and to be neither more, nor less, sure of things than is justifiable by argument or evidence. That is worth trying for."