I am finishing today my trip to India, which brought me to Kanpur (Indian Institute of Technology), Hyderabad (Verus, Kesevan Indstitute of Information and Knowledge Management, ICRISAT) and Bangalore (Indian Institute of Statistics, SMD Institute for Management Development). I gave keynotes at the AGROPEDIA workshop at IIT and at the New Gen Lib workshop at SMD-IMD, I gave two lectures to students and faculty at IITK.
The different visits strenghtend the collaboration between my team at FAO in Rome and the partners in India and also within our Indian partners. The work on the Rice knwowledge model for Agropedia Indica is now well on the way. The Open Access movement within the Indian Agricultural community will be supported by a quicker development of the AGRIS plug in for DSPACE and through efforts to streamline DSPACE with the Integrated Library Management System New Gen Lib.