
Internal Globalization

I am Back to the United States. This time on holidays; we picked up Matilde at UCLA (which is the LA part of the same University to which belongs Berkeley) and we will travel California for two weeks. After 3 days in Los Angeles another difference between Europe and the States seems clear to me: The United States are much more "internally globalized". I had read, that going from one neighbourhood of LA to another is like crossing the border between San Diego and Tijuana.

The French Government

Sarkozy has called into his cabinet Bernard Kouchner and Rachida Dati  (see attached article from the Spiegel on Ms Dati).  Why did no government of the left or centre/left in Europa in the last years had the courage to call personalities like them into the government?   Yes, there is Emma Bonino with Prodi, but..........

Frankreichs Justizministerin: Sarkozys stürmische Selfmade-Ministerin - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten

USA - Typical? - Some snatches from my Trip in June 2007

If you want to confirm all your prejudices adverse to the USA, you can do so travelling the rural part of the country and the peripherical areas of bigger towns: oversized cars, bodies, cups, shopping malls...... proposal of food intake from the morning to the evening, hotels directly at the side of the highway- USA today as breakfast companion. But there is no need to stop at such observations. One might also register the 250 million Dollars, Cornell University raised from private donors or the new zero energy building of the Cornell Administration.

Still existing soft power

I had today a meeting with the group of the Gramene research project at Cornell University. The head of the group Panka Jaiswal is from India. The other group members I met were from Taiwan, China and Eritrea, no US American.
I know, there are many people who take this as a weakness of the US American System. The research is based on the presence of PhD Students and Postdocs especially from Asian countries. You can see this also as an expression of the strenghts of the American system. It has still enough softpower to attract the talented people from all over the world.


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