"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
"Zwei Wochen vor der Inauguration Barack Obamas (47) als Präsident der Vereinigen Staaten wurde in Rotterdam zu Beginn der Woche der marokkanisch-niederländische Doppelstaatler Ahmed Aboutaleb (47) in
sein neues Amt als Oberbürgermeister der größten europäischen Hafenstadt eingeführt." https://www.zeit.de/online/2009/02/rotterdam-aboutaleb
I found the following (https://stephenlaw.blogspot.com/2007/02/atheism-faith-position.html) and I agree very much with Stephen Laws position. There is no (0/1) distinction between "knowledge" and "faith" or "Wissen" und "Glauben". Any allegation/argument/assertion/claim has different degrees of probability.
I am just back from dinner. I am literally alone on the ILRI campus here in Nairobi. I went to the Bar to have dinner. I was the only one to be present. As compensation I had a very interesting chat with the waiter, a young Kenyan student. He is studying Turism at Kenyatta University and he is just about to get his degree. He is financing his survival by working as a waiter at ILRI, but this would not be enough to pay also the University fees, which are 20,000 KSH/year (this is about 260 USD, but he mentioned 1000 USD) Whatsoever!
At the beginning of December I conducted together with my colleague Peter Ballantyne, the IAALD president an evaluation of the ILRI InfoCenter . ILRI wanted an external and indipendent evaluation of the developments that had taken place in the restructuring of the ILRI library in the last years.
Hans Christian Stroebele is the directly elected representative of the Berlin constituency (Kreuzberg), where I live. He is part of the fundamentalist left wing of the Greens. Most probably I would not vote for him, as I do share very little with his lot. I am in favor of German involvement in UN peace keeping, I am in favor of free market and globalization, I am in favor of keeping German nuclear power plants online as long as this is technically wise, ... and there are many other differences in opinion.
..at least in the United states of America. In continental Europe, and especially in Italy, we are used to changing governments, without a lot of changing politics. This is partly related to the fact that government changes only chance a small tip of the political burocracy. In Italy the same Director Generals in the ministries server und Prodi, Berlusconi....... so nothing changes.