"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
I have given up to write down all the dishes that we get for meals. We were in 8 this time, so the dishes were more than 20. But I cannot leave out to present you the very delicious Beijing duck which was the center of the menu:
Beijing Duck
Other highlights were perfectly steamed fresh shrimps, the best turbot I have ever eaten in my life, a new type of mushrooms, and as I said at least 16 other dishes.
Monday evening, just for sunset I arrived in Beijing, nice weather, warm and sunny, but fresh. Air in Beijing gets better. The airport is now enormous. I had not seen it for years.
All is new and shiny, the terminals are linked by an internal train. But, there is now also an external Expresstrain, which links the airport to the city center. But obviously :-) we took the taxi.
Last Thursday I had my first performance as guest chef in a restaurant. The picture shows me with my daughter and her friends.
The occasion was the 17th birthday of Matilde, which she celebrated together with the 17th birthday of a friend Claudio (on the right) in the Restaurant "La Formica e la Cicala" in Via Urbana in Monti. Andrea, the owner of the restaurant is our friend and so I could join the colleagues from Bangla Desh in the kitchen that night. The menu was:
That sounds banal, but it is not if... If you get very young leek. Saturday my veggie-monger at Piazza Vittorio had this fabulous leek, only twice as thick as spring onions and with an incredible fragrance. Also the carots were tasty and not as the many pinky water concentrates you get often.
You cannot do this often. You need some friend, who comes back from the tropics and brings you a fresh coconut. Cheers to Modesta, our Phillipine cleaning lady, who brought a fresh coconut from her own tree at home.
OK, I called it Curry, but there is not an ounce of Curry Pulver in it, instead:
- a good amount of ginger
- not too much garlic
- a bunch of spring onions
- a tomatoe
- some thai chilli
- fresh coriander
if you are adventurous enough also capers and peppers (not too much, but so it gets really fusion)
Das Mehl in eine Schüssel geben. In die Mitte eine Mulde drücken und die zerbröckelte. Hefe darin mit vier Esslöffeln lauwarmer Miclh, zwei Teelöffeln Zucker und etwas Mehl vom Rand
Diesen Vorteig zugedeckt bei Zimmertemperatur 15 Minuten ruhen lassen, bis er sichtbar aufgegangen ist.
600 g di tonno
1 vasetto di Joghurt
100 cl di panna
5 carote
5 zucchine
100g di verza
pepe in grani
Tagliare le verdure a juliennee saltarle in padella con olio e aglio. Filettare il tonno e arrostirlo a fiamma viva su tutti e quattro il lati. A parte ridurre la panna e quando è fredda incorporare lo yogurt e succo di limone, a cottura ultimata del tonno panare il filetto nei pepi trattati, servire i filetti scaloppati con le verdure e la salsa allo yogurt.