
About Blogging

"For these LiveJournal blogs, the average number of readers is seven, says Ms Trott. Such small audiences are common in participatory media. Indeed, they may conform to the biological norm, whereas mass-media audiences may have been an aberration. Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist at the University of Liverpool, has studied primates and discovered a surprisingly stable ratio between the relative size of the neocortex (thought to be responsible for the evolution of intelligence) and the size of groups formed by particular species.

Happy days are here again—or are they?

For the Americans in the middle, who have no strong partisan allegiances, we have failed to articulate a real plan or vision,” say Markos Moulitsas Zúniga and Jerome Armstrong, two of the most popular Democratic bloggers. “It's not that people know what we stand for and disagree; it's that they have no idea what we stand for,” say James Carville and Paul Begala, two of the architects of Bill Clinton's winning presidential campaign in 1992. The.....On most other issues, people tell pollsters that they prefer the Democrats.

Thoughts during the visit of the "Egyptian Museum in Cairo"

Humanity might have only one origin. It might have gone also through this famous bottleneck (100.000? years) ago, that left only a few thousand of individulals. The neolithic revolution happened in several places on the earth idipendently (see Jarred). Civilization seems to have been born twice between 5000 and 3000 bc. The Egyptian civilation is impressing. Already 5000 BC kingdoms were existing in Northern and Southern Egypt. They were united in 3000 bc starting with the old kingdom.

Power Centres

The Americans are so far away from dominating the world. And weapons are completely useless for this goal (see Iraq) The World will develop 3 main power centres. Europe/NearEast/Mediterranean Idian/SouthAsia China/Japan/EastAsia. THere will be two regional power centers, Brazil and Southafrica. The United States will scale more with Regional Power Centres than with the World Power Centres.. The reason for this is both: ideological and economica

Quelli che votano radicale «per far ballare Prodi»

Viaggio tra gli elettori di Ds, Margherita e Prc tentati dalla strana coppia Boselli-Bonino. Per difendere la laicità dello stato e non solo.

• da Il Manifesto del 30 marzo 2006, pag. 2

di Luca Fazio, Giorgio Salvetti

La Rosa nel pugno in faccia lascerà il segno. Pesante. Troppo tardi per scansarsi, nel centrosinistra qualcuno lo ammette. «Siamo molto preoccupati». Potrebbe non essere da fantascienza uno scenario dove saranno Intini e Capezzone a fare il Bertinotti della situazione. Non è un sondaggio, ma è l'aria che tira. «Ma, senti un po', e la Rosa nel pugno?».

Nicht die Arbeitslosenquote zaehlt sondern der Prozentsatz der Beschaeftigten

confronto con gli altri paesi europei (fonte Eurispes) troviamo che nel 2004, in Italia, ogni cento persone con un'età compresa tra i 55 ed i 64 anni, ne lavoravano soltanto 31, contro 41 della Francia, 43 della Germania, 57 del Regno Unito e, prima tra le nazioni europee, le oltre 70 della Svezia! Inutile dire che con un numero così basso di lavoratori, il sistema previdenziale non si sostiene.


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