
Digital Ecosystems

I had a meeting this morning at the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, in which participated the Undersecretary Stefano Boco, Paolo Dini from the London School of Economics, Francesco Nachira Section Head (Digital Ecosystems) from the European Commission and representatives di T6, an Italian non for profit private company,

Demand the nearly impossible

But when politicians look only one or two weeks ahead, we, the citizens, should compel them to look one or two years ahead. When they raise their sights to one or two years, we should insist on ten or twenty. We should not demand the impossible of them; just the nearly impossible. Demand it of them and of ourselves. For we are the thousand million, that never have spoken yet.

Paper on Merging of FAODOC and CDR accepted by GIL Management

The paper on merging the metadata workflow of FAODOC and the Corporate Document Repository has been accepted by GIL Senior Management. The paper has been written commonly by people in my Group and GILWW. It paves the way to a more efficient management of FAO publications metdata.

This Blog links to the paper but it is available only FAO internatlly

Essen in der Maremma

Es is bekannt, dass dies ein Ort fuer Schlemmer ist. Auch das Restaurant Coq, das zum schlecht beleumundeten Hotel La Palma gehoert, ist excellent (40 € zu zweit mit Bistecca Fiorentina).
Ein Produzent, der gute Fleischwaren produziert (Cinta Senese!!!!!) ist Capal-Bio, Strada Pescia Florentina 23, cell.333-2153630, auch Schafskaese kann man bekommen.
Bekannt ist La parrina in Albinia, aber ihr Rotwein gefaellt mir nicht.

Days in Pitigliano

Am Anfang der Ferien 2006 ist Matilde eine Woche in der "casa di campagna" von Luis Familie gewesen.


Wie man sieht, haben sich die Teens vergnuegt. Bei dieser Gelegenheit habe ich herausgefunden, dass Luis der Bruder von Laura Hein ist, eine meine Schuelerinnen aus dem Jahrgang von Marianna.


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