Keizer's blog

Long life to comrade Xi Jinping

I know I will be attacked for this post. Also friends of mine will say: this is apologetic towards China. And yes, its, because most China critics do not get or do not want 
to get the point.  Especially western media normally completely miss what is essential about China:
  • China is a peaceful country without civil wars (and even very little involved in external wars, except UN Peace keeping missions)

Stage at CAAS in Beijing

For 2019/2020 I agreed with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (CAAS) on a collaboratio of 40 days as a visiting Scientists. CAAS wants me to help them with publications, project proposals and particularly with pushing forward the ATS (Agricultural Technology Sharing) project.I had m y first assignment in October this year. I was happy to work again with my friend Prof Zhang Xuefu and his team.

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I wrote about my plans at the beginning of this year.  One of this plans was to have a big summer party at the Buon Respiro. And this did happen! Many family and friends came on June 22. Next year it should be still bigger. Reserve the last Saturday in June to come to Umbria.

2 singularities

At the beginning of october I participated at the Big Data Conference, organized by "bigstep" in London - in the context of the world wide Bg Data Week. I was there to learn if AI could be useful in the context of the goals of Sci4D (



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