
Moscardini con Peperoni

Ingredienti Per i moscardini 4000 g di moscardini puliti, 5 scalogn1, 5 peperone giallo, 5 peperone rosso, poco grappa 10 dl di vino bianco secco, Per la polenta 200 g farina di mais bianca, poca buccia di limone, 2 tuorli d’uovo, poco pan grattato, basilico q.b., olio extravergine di oliva. Procedimento. Polenta Andremo a cuocere una polenta abbastanza densa che alla fine verrà aromatizzata con poca buccia di limone e una noce di burro. Stenderla, raffreddarla e quindi tagliarla a fette dello spessore di 1 cm e successivamente in triangoli.

Tyranny of the majority

"Democratic decisions can be wrong, unjust and impractical, violate the country’s constitution and even violate basic human rights. They can even relate to issues for which the democratic system is quite simply inadequate".

This is a citation from the article in openDemocracy which discusses the Swiss plebiscit againt the construction of minarets in switzerland.

China Cabbage and Shiitakee Mushrooms

For my last birthday, I got a new cookbook with Asian Recipes from an Australian Chef, delicious stuff. Chinese cooking is not simple, so a Cookbook should help :-). But after having followed some of the recipes, I am already again experimental. The following is a well succeeded one.

You need: a china cabbage, Shiitake Mushrooms, Grated Palm Sugar, Garlic, Ginger, Chinkiang Vinegar, ShaoXiang, which is a Rice Sherry. I found here in my Chinese Shop Hua Diao Wine, what is quite the same.

Old Fashioned?

I am normally frontrunner regarding ICT innovations. When I moved in 86 from Germany to Italy, I already came with my PC, well PC, it was more a typewrite with screen. When Internet came ppublic, can't remember the year, I had one of the first accounts. I still remember the emotion when after painstaking attempts finally the modem brought you into connection. I remember Mosaic. I programmed one of the first data driven ASP applications at FAO. I have cabled our flat and we have 4 internet connected PCs for three inhabitants :-).


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