China Cabbage and Shiitakee Mushrooms

For my last birthday, I got a new cookbook with Asian Recipes from an Australian Chef, delicious stuff. Chinese cooking is not simple, so a Cookbook should help :-). But after having followed some of the recipes, I am already again experimental. The following is a well succeeded one.

You need: a china cabbage, Shiitake Mushrooms, Grated Palm Sugar, Garlic, Ginger, Chinkiang Vinegar, ShaoXiang, which is a Rice Sherry. I found here in my Chinese Shop Hua Diao Wine, what is quite the same.

You need to soake the Shiitake mushrooms at least 5 hours in water, the cut away the stems, and cut the pieces into halves. Chop finely ginger and garlic and fry it in olive oil. Add the mushrooms and the harder pieces of the China cabbage, fry for some minutes, then add Shaoxiang, Palmsugar and Sinkiang Vinegar. Stir and a add the finer pieces of the cabbage also. One Spoon of Oyster Sauce or two to give more flavor. I added at the end also another spoon of Chingkiang vinegar.

No problem to prepare it in advance.

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