
Internal Globalization

I am Back to the United States. This time on holidays; we picked up Matilde at UCLA (which is the LA part of the same University to which belongs Berkeley) and we will travel California for two weeks. After 3 days in Los Angeles another difference between Europe and the States seems clear to me: The United States are much more "internally globalized". I had read, that going from one neighbourhood of LA to another is like crossing the border between San Diego and Tijuana.

Big Sur

The coast between Los Angeles and San Francisco and especially the 200 miles south of San Francisco (Big Sure) are an Icon of International Travelling. CIMG0225 But if you are not a surfer, the pleasure is more visual than anything else. The wate is icy and also the weather is often foggy and cool.

Los Angeles

We started our trip in Los Angeles and well, the reason is documented by the photo below:


Matilde had attended a theater stage at UCLA and went afterwards straight down to Hollywood. Cecilia and I followed.
To stay with the necessary glamour we lodged at the Biltmore Millenium Hotel, which had seen better times, but still....

California 2007

Some notes from our trip to California and New York in August 2007 .........................................................................................................

Materialism, Actualism and Science

"Returning to the original question of Darwinism and metaphysics, I have argued that even the assertion of the special creation of organisms is not incompatible with the scientific theory of evolution, which explains how organisms evolve now, and that it is incompatible with the scientific fact of phylogeny only under the assumption that actualism is not just normative for scientific reconstructions but true of the real world. There may just be a sense in which scientific facts are not historical facts.

The French Government

Sarkozy has called into his cabinet Bernard Kouchner and Rachida Dati  (see attached article from the Spiegel on Ms Dati).  Why did no government of the left or centre/left in Europa in the last years had the courage to call personalities like them into the government?   Yes, there is Emma Bonino with Prodi, but..........

Frankreichs Justizministerin: Sarkozys stürmische Selfmade-Ministerin - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten


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