admin's blog

Chomsky on the right wing libertarians

Chomsky: The term libertarian as used in the US means something quite different from what it meant historically and still means in the rest of the world. Historically, the libertarian movement has been the anti-statist wing of the socialist movement. Socialist anarchism was libertarian socialism. In the US, which is a society much more dominated by business, the term has a different meaning. It means eliminating or reducing state controls, mainly controls over private tyrannies. Libertarians in the US don't say let's get rid of corporations. It is a sort of ultra-rightism.

NAIROBI workshop on scientific publishing in Africa:Dissemination of Research Outputs in Africa

Mechanisms for Documenting and Disseminating Outputs
of Agricultural Research in Sub-Saharan Africa
CAB International Africa Regional Centre
12-14 May 2004 - Nairobi, Kenya

An Expert Consultation was co-organized with CAB International with the overall aim of developing a strategic vision for documentation and dissemination of agricultural knowledge and research in Africa.

American Values

1. We are an optimistic people, not a fearful people. We strive to be brave and free, not fearful and repressed.
2. We value freedom and democracy so much that we would proudly give our lives to protect and advance them.
3. We can't promote the principles of freedom and democracy by violating them.
4. These principles are our common moral compass. We may change our policies as circumstances change, but we hold firmly to these core principles.
5. In military matters, Smart is as important as Strong, and Right is more important than Might.

La laicità della sinistra

La sinistra che da mezzo secolo non esise più. Erano sbagliate, inoltre, perchè nascevano dalla solitudine politica nella quale avevo sempre vissuto e che invano avevo sperato d'alleggerire cecando d'annaffiare il derserto proprio con chi lo aveva creato. Ma soprattutto erano domande sbagliate perchè erano sbagliati i ragionamenti o meglio i presupposti su cui esse si basavano. Primo presupposto, che la Sinistra fosse laica. No: pur essendo figlia del laicismo, peraltro un laicismo partorito dal liberalismo e quindi a lei non consono, la Sinistra non è laica.

Die Linke und der Fortschritt

Nur Negativitaet is geblieben bei der oppositionellen Linken, waehrend die Linke an der Regierung nur pragmatisch werkelt. Es gibt keine Ideen. Hauptissue ist, dass keine Idee des Fortschrittes mehr vorhanden ist, keine Ueberzeugung dass wir Menschen die Moeglichkeite haben, die Welt zu verbessern,, und dass wir sie auch verbessert haben. Fortschritt existiert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Es ware herauszuarbeiten, dass alle die die die Vergangen heit beweinen Unrecht haben. Auch Dinge wie Essen und Kultur sind heute viel weiter entwickelt als in der Vergangenheit.

Die Commons und die Moderne

Es ist noetig die Moderne gegen diejenigen zu verteidigen, die glauben, die Moderne sei durch die 68er Bewegung angegriffen worden. Die 68er Bewegung war swiespaeltig und hatte insich schon auch die Negation der Moderne ("Angst vor der Freiheit") aber in Ihrem Ursprung war sie darauf gerichtet den Freiheitsanspruch der Moderne zu verwirklichen. Den Freiheitsanspruch!!!


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