Knowledge Infrastructures

ICUDL 2009, Pittsburgh

From November 6-8 I participated in the 5th International Conference on Universal Digital Library. (Pittsburgh, USA ICUDL -

ICUDL is a worldwide initiative with strong operations in China and India to digitize library content and to make it online available.

The picture shows Prof. Jaime Carbonell giving his presentation on the state of art in machine translation

The presentation that I gave at the meeting is attached.

ICSD 2009

The International Conference on Digital Libraries and the Semantic Web is an Initiative to bring together two communities: those who are working on semantic web technology and those who managing big digital libraries. Too often the work on Digital Library Systems is poor in Semantic Technology; too often also the work on Semantic tools is not aware of the issues when working with large real world data sets.

Global Research Library 2020

I am part of a working group with the title "Global Research Library 2020". Goal of this group is to discuss and to shape the Research Library of the future ( Next meeting of this working group is in February in Taiwan. I attach the position paper, which I submitted for this workshop.
This position paper was also presented at the Rome ShareFair . I posted about this sharefair at

Evaluation of the ILRI Information Center, trip to Ethiopia and Kenya

At the beginning of December I conducted together with my colleague Peter Ballantyne, the IAALD president an evaluation of the ILRI InfoCenter . ILRI wanted an external and indipendent evaluation of the developments that had taken place in the restructuring of the ILRI library in the last years.

Workshop on European Information Space

On October 29 and 30 the Workshop on the European Information Space was hosted in FAO and co-organized by my team. The workshop brought together projects from two different directorates of the DG Information Society and Media. It was organized by the DILIGENT (Digital Library Infrastructure on Grid Enabled Technology). Donatella Castelli from the CNR in Pisa, the DILIGENT coordinator succeeded in bringing together numerous projects funded by the EU in the area of Digital libraries and in the area of Research Infrastructure-

DSpace User Group Meeting In Rome

From October 16-17 my group co-organized and hostend the DSpace Usergroup meeting 2007. ( My colleague Imma Subirats was one of the pillars of the entire organization. I got quite excited about DSpace and the possibilities to adapt it to Agricultural Open Archives.
I was also intrigued by the connections between DSpace and the MIT Simile project that brings a "semantic dimension" into the DSpace development.


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