From today on I will not use Facebook anymore to publish originary content. I will reopen my blog at, which I stopped in 2013. I want to be able to manage my pictures, thoughts and news as I like, I want to maintain control. I don't want to give this control to Facebook.
This is not against Facebook. I will continue to use it. Facebook has this wonderful function that a FB post can gather its content from any HTML source. I will disseminate everything, what I publish on also through FB or other socials that I consider appropriate. But I don't want the socials to take over.
The taking over process by the socials has also stopped technology improvement. Editing tools for CMS are still in a miserable state. Also this needs to change. I want developers to come up with solutions like "one click publishing" from "evernote" to "Drupal". I want blogging forms, that are as userfriendly as Facebook is. Try a Drupal input form and you know what I mean.
I am not against the Titans, but the future of the web cannot be only Google, Facebook and Amazone !