
Sartre hat gesagt, dass die Menschen sich Ihre Werte selber machen. Ich habe heute einen Priester gehoert, der dass als Bestemmia bezeichnete.
Ich glaube, dass es verschiedene Interpretationen dieses Sartre Zitats geben kann. One Interpretation is that values are formulated arbitrariously by human beings. I would disagree with this. Another interpretation is that values are linked to humanity. Values are not linked to one individual who sets them, there are human values, but they are linked to humanity and to the development of humanity, they are not static. Some of them are nearly eternal or have become eternal status by time (You should not kill another human being...) but also this value developed with humankind. It is quite useless to discuss that these values can exist only because they are transcendent. At the end they are linked to humankind and only important for human beings. They are part of our cultural and evolutionary heritage. They are not arbitrarious, they are not individual, they belong to all of us. But they have still to be agreed and theire is no one else than ourselves who is giving authority to these values.

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