Meeting with Kevin Painting

I met today Kevin Painting from CTA to get briefed about CTAs RSS project and to brief Kevin about the AGRIS Content Management Taskforce. Main points
- Kevin will write a short report to the AGRIS content managment group about the CTA RSS project. This is a project about aggregating and selecting feeds. They have done a tender and are evaluating the tender at the moment. I briefed Kevin about our project of a high level description of working with feeds and the pilot on Early Warning Systems discussed in Nairobi
- We spoke about the openAccess/OpenArchive projects from our Group. I asked Kevin if he would know donors that could be interested in funding such projects. Kevin mentioned that the EU now in the 7th framework programme is keen to get partners from developing countries. He asked me to send him our openArchive proposal for the AGRIS network so that he could think about possible funding.
- Kevin wants a list with links from the Xtech conference.

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